The Association for Algorithmic Learning Theory (AALT) is an international organization created in 2018 to promote learning theory, primarily through the organization of the annual conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) and other related events.
Learning theory is the field in computer science and mathematics that studies all theoretical aspects of machine learning, including its algorithmic and statistical aspects.
The AALT organization consists of a steering committee, which includes the current program committee chairs of ALT, as well as other elected members. Among other things, the organization selects the future ALT PC chairs and local organizers, determines the conference location and dates, and makes a number of decisions to help promote the conference including sponsorships, publications, co-locations, and journal publications.
AALT has a sister organization, the Association for Computational Learning (ACL), with similar goals and mission, and a similar conference, the Conference on Learning Theory (COLT).