There is no page limit for submissions, and submissions should include all proofs and technical details necessary to understand the results. However, content (not including references) beyond the first 12 pages may not be read by reviewers. Therefore the first 12 pages should contain a clear presentation of the paper’s main contributions and outlines of the main arguments.
Submissions should be formatted according to the instructions on the following page: and use the ALT 2024 template.
Submissions that are substantially similar to papers that have been previously published, accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other peer-reviewed conferences with proceedings may not be submitted to ALT. Submissions that are substantially similar to papers that are already published in a journal at the time of submission may not be submitted to ALT.
All accepted papers will be published as a volume in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research series. After acceptance, the authors of each accepted paper may select whether to publish the full paper or a one-page extended abstract which will point to an open access archival version of the full paper. The proceedings will be available online during the conference.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by the members of the program committee and be judged on clarity, significance, and originality. The reviewing process is not fully double-blind, as the authors’ names will be known to the area chair overseeing the paper’s review. Nevertheless, authors should not list their names and affiliations in their submissions so that reviewers will not see them.
A conflict of interest should be declared in all cases when an existing or prior relationship with a PC member is likely to affect their evaluation of the submission. This includes but is not limited to:
- Is a relative/in a close personal relationship
- Is/was a close co-worker in the past three years
- Is/was a graduate advisee/advisor at any time
- Any current collaboration or collaboration within the past three years (including grants and internships)
If you have any questions about specific circumstances please contact the PC chairs.
Paper submission deadline: September 26th, 2023, AOE
Authors can submit their papers electronically via the submission page.